Digital Education Series

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Digital Education Series

Digital Education Series

Welcome to the WSO’s Digital Education Concert Series! As an organization who is dedicated to connecting people through music, we are ecstatic to bring the thrill of classical music to students whether they be in their classroom or at home. While there is no substitute for experiencing an orchestral concert in person, the recent shift towards digital learning has provided a unique opportunity to increase the depth and potency of the WSO’s educational programming.

WSO’s Program Model

The WSO’s Digital Education Concert Series includes two programs; one for grades K-3 and the other for grades 4-6. Each program contains five modules designed to be delivered as weekly episodes in a series. Students will be guided through a pre-concert exploration of sounds and concepts encountered throughout the module. These concepts are then developed through a digital concert featuring orchestral music played by the WSO. Each module has a single piece of music threaded through it, called the “focus piece”. While both programs contain a wide variety of music, the focus piece returns at end of each module as a summative experience. This format allows students to listen and engage with the same piece of music multiple times from multiple perspectives. Each digital concert is followed by a post-concert activity, that can be completed within a 50-minute instructional period or spread out over a week. The post-concert activity allows students to step away from the technology and apply what they learned through a creative activity. Each module has been carefully scaffolded to maximize student engagement and understanding.

Affordable and Accessible

One of our top priorities as an organization is to make engaging high-quality classical music, as accessible as possible. Our education package includes both programs, (K-3 and 4-6) and is available for as low as $100 CAD (approx. $70 USD) per school. This includes unlimited access to our digital content, a professional development session for teachers, and a live Q&A for students.

Buy Now

To purchase the Digital Education Series please contact:

Rebecca Ng, Education & Community Outreach Manager