Our Supporters

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Our Supporters

The WSO is generously supported by

Thank you to our Series Sponsors

Bill and Rochelle Tepperman

The Morris and Beverly
Baker Foundation

Thank you to the WSO’s patrons, subscribers, sponsors, donors, and volunteers. Your support is instrumental!

The WSO acknowledges the passing of cherished supporters who have made significant contributions through their Estate. In 2023-2024, this includes:
Estate of Gwen and Murray Purdy
Estate of Lorna June Carroll


Gifts in support of the 2023-2024 Season
Given between July 1, 2023 and February 28, 2024

If any information in this listing is incorrect, please contact the Box Office at 519-973-1238 ext. 2.

Platinum Baton $25,000+
Bill and Rochelle Tepperman
The Toldo Foundation
WSO Guild

Podium Spotlight $20,000 – $24,999
The Morris & Beverly Baker Foundation
The Chandisherry Foundation

Maestro’s Circle $15,000 – $19,999
The Basilian Fathers of Sandwich in Ontario
Bill and Lynn Baker
Estate of June Carroll

Concertmaster’s Circle $10,000 – $14,999
Kyle Kootstra and Ana Kleer of Kootstra Kleer Wealth Management
Border City Living
Caesars Windsor Cares
The Charles and Ethel Cohen Family Foundation
The Glen and Carmel Mitchell Foundation

Virtuoso’s Circle $5,000 – $9,999

Port Windsor
Dr. Don and Nancy Allen
G. Vincent Castellano
Dr. and Mrs. Maresq and Eryl Child
Barb and Peter Kuker
Joan Mackay
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Paterson
Richard and Colleen Peddie
Brian and Susan Scholfield
Bud and Mary Weingarden

Composer’s Circle – $2,500 – $4,999
Aird Berlis
Cardinal Place
The Hibiscus Foundation
Hogarth Hermiston Severs LLP
OlG – www.olg.com
uWindsor Faculty of Education
Dr. Donna Brode and Dr. Frank DeMarco
Ahmet and Sophia Kusderci
Stephen and Kelly Savage
Heidi Zimmer
1 Anonymous Donor

Principal Players – $1,500 – $2,499
Jeff Berryman and Carol McDermott
Peter Burrell
Barb and Cody Cooper
Bianca De Luca
David Dendooven
Nancy Flickinger
Dr. Kathleen McCrone
Robert and Mary Jeanne Peters
Madelyn and Arthur B. Weingarden
Audrey Wirch

Benefactors – $750 – $1,499
Sheila Blair Mosley
Drs. Jeff Cohen and Beth Daly
Douglas and Randi Fox
Robert Franz
Beth French
Joanne and Kelly Hoppe
John and Judy Hrycak
Kyle and Kara Kootstra
James S. Kurak
Joyce and Frederick Mason
Bert and Joy Mayerhofer
Kirby O’Connor and Sandra McClellan
Barb Marie Proctor
Sidney and Glenn Sellick
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph and Nancy Stasko
Lynn Teahan
Sheila and Jerry Wisdom
1 Anonymous Donor

Major Patrons – $500 – $749
McTague Law Firm LLP
Dr. Philip and Mrs. Anne Adamson
Bill and Bobbye Baylis
Robin B. and David Boyer
Sharon Cassey
Eddi and Eveline Chittaro
James and Christine Fullerton
Jane Houlding and K. Mark Haslett
Glenna Hemphill
Drs. Kai Hildebrandt and Susan Wendt-Hildebrandt
Lorie and Peter Hoehne
Patti Lauzon and Mark Sarafin
Micheline and James Li Wan Po

Dr. Michael H. and Mrs. Sandra Malowitz
Kevin B. Masterson
The McAllister Family
Mary Bridgen Meanwell and Paul Meanwell
Pauline and Gordon Olafson
Trevor Pittman
Adam Pole and Melissa De Candido
Brian and Yvonne Prime
Margaret M. Rivard and Richard J. Rivard
Mike Rogers
Wanda Rosicki
Dr. Bruce Kotowich and Dr. Jennifer Swanson
3 Anonymous Donors

Patrons – $250 – $499
The Truelight Foundation
Cynthia Blanchard
Elaine Sullivan Butcher and John Butcher
John R. Calhoun
Carol and Andrew Carruthers
Scott Cowan
Margaret Dama
Jeanne and Alastair Fleming
Rosemary Halford
Elizabeth and Terry Henry
Jenn Howson
Lorraine Jones
Gloria Jung
Jeremy Klaver and Cristina Naccarato
David Langstone and Shari Cunningham
Anita Leschied
Lynne MacDonell

Dorothy and Greg Mahoney
Sandra Manzig
Susan McCoy
Chris Plunkett and Megan Lynch
Drs. Katherine and Joseph Quinsey
Michael Ricketts
Abigail Roberts

Myron and Nancy Shulgan
Crys Stammler
Noah and Julie Tepperman
Adrian and Monica Vandenhoven
Carolina and Dennis Venerus
Julie and Rod Walker
Mona Witte
2 Anonymous Donors

Associates – $150 – $249
Anne and Brian Atkinson
Ms. Claire Birch
Dr. C. Lloyd and Mrs. Marilyn Brown-John
Jane Bryans
Mary Jane and Carl Dettinger
Mary Jo Dowie
Carol Fathers
Sandra Fletcher
John and Joan Giffen
Liz Haugh
Elaini Janosik
Janice Johnston
Stephanie Knight
Marilyn Mackay
Rosemary and Gerry Marentette
Giancarlo Mincone
Pauline and Sam Naccarato
Nina Panontin
Ed and Janet Potomski
Ronald Riberdy
Kathleen and Christopher Roy
Nevi Rusich
Marilyn Stecher
Cynthia Swift
Ruth and David Waltman
Martha and Julien Wolfe
Dr. Jeremy and Chris Worth
7 Anonymous Donors

Friends – $50 – $149
Frank and Jean Adare
Peter J. Antaya
Betty Assef
Eugene Baggio
Gary D. Bailey
Tanya Basok
Anita M. Berecz
Rose Blair
Jim and Lucy Bondy
Andrew and Caroline Bothamley
Klaus Brixa
Don and Annette Brown
Edgar and Helen Brown
Georgina Burns
Vivian Cattaneo
Mary and Don Chesnik
Jan Christie
Michael Clark
Lynne and John Crozier
Carolyne Daley
Diedrich and Patricia Damm
Bonnie Deslippe
Walter and Carole Donaldson
Dr. Michael Dufresne
Robert and Marlene Fields

John and Lisa Fransen
Barry and Sue Gaul
Janet Gillis
Helene Gordon
Irena Gorelick-Davis
Thomas Green
Stephanie Groves
Patricia Harnadek
Ingeburg Henkel
Millie Hreno
John and Connie Huschilt
Michelle Janisse
David Jarrett
Ralph and Margaret Johnson
Sharon Jones
Rosemary Jull
William Kendrick
Marliese Kimmerle
Jane Kiraly
Dr. Jerome Kopstein
Jan Krizan
Marnie Kuhn
James Laird
Susan Landine and Capt. William McClinton
Lenore Langs
Phyllis Lauzon
Valerie Lefebvre
Valerie Luscott
John and Liz MacDonald
Amy Marion
Maureen McCann
Susan McKee
Susan McKee
Lynn and Ray McLelland
Margaret McMaster
Stephen Milton
Craig Nash
Wade Nelligan
Douglas Nickleson
John and Marcia Ohler
Tom and Dora Overton
Noreen Parici
Elizabeth and Reg Pell
Mario Pellarin
Jean and Victor Penner
Liz Pettapiece-Phillips and Bryce Phillips
George and Nancy Plantus
Jason Pomerleau
Mariette Preyde
Marian Quenneville
Robert and Christine Renaud
Adriana and George Reynolds

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reynolds
Lynn Rikley
Nick and Kim Sauro
The Scoboria-Chan Family
Gayle and Robert Siddall
Christina Simmons and Bruce Tucker
Mary Slack
Greer and Mike Stasko
Stephanie Stone
Tamara Trudell and Lonnie Brown
Margaret and Robert Truscott
Drs. Christine Vanderkooy and Ken Montgomery
Jim and Pat Vickers
Yazhi Wang
Lee Watson and Mike Bellmore
Jacqueline Watty
Barbara J. White and Lawrence Kenneth Letwin
Ken Wilcox
Margaret and Noel Williams
Catherine and Don Wilson
Marg and Kelly Woltz
Elizabeth Worsnop
A. Sheila Wright
Qian Zhang
19 Anonymous Donors

Supporters – Up to $49
Brigitte and Salvatore Ala
Terryll Chase
Laura Clemente
Phil and Jeanne Cole
Henry Dupuis
Vicki Frederick
Gregory D. Garant
Marilyn and Omer Hageniers
Erin and Kayla Mallard
Jana and Lynn Knott
Michel S. Larocque
Jane Martin
Sylva Nagy
Barbara Newton
Jill and Anthony Nicholls
Rachel Olivero
Nick and Michele Penny
David W. Smith
Zarife Sokoli
Frank Vossen
Dr. and Mrs. Robert and Heather Wilson
38 Anonymous Donors

Gifts in Tribute 2023-2024

Gifts in memory of a loved one, or in honour of a special occasion or special person, are always welcome. It is our privilege to pay tribute to the people you love. Thank you for your gift honouring them.

Celebrating 42 years with the Windsor Board of Education and the Greater Essex County District School Board
Steve Baker and Lydia Mykitczyn-Baker

In honour of Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Bortolotti
Nina Panontin

In honour of Robert Franz, Music Director
Sharon Cassey

In honour of Frank Janosik
Lena Janosik

In honour of Kelly Lachapelle
Jenn Howson

In honour of Sue McCoy
Beth French

In honour of Tom Savage, Technical Director
Sharon Cassey

In honour of Faith Scholfield, Operations Director, and the Operations Team
Brian and Susan Scholfield

In honour of Sheila and Jerry Wisdom
Joanne and Kelly Hoppe

In honour of Sheila Wisdom, former Executive Director
Sharon Cassey
Rosemary Halford
Barb Marie Proctor
Wanda Rosicki
Marilyn Stecher

In memory of Peter G. Antaya
Peter J. Antaya

In memory of Susy Anzolin
Roger Anzolin

In memory of Dan Bezaire
Zarife Sokoli

In memory of Jean Bull
Barb Marie Proctor
Barbara J. White and Lawrence Kenneth Letwin

In memory of Sharon Cassey
Jane Bryans

In memory of Dr. Dumaresq Child
Mary Bridgen Meanwell and Paul Meanwell
Dr. C. Lloyd and Mrs. Marilyn Brown-John
Pauline and Gordon Olafson

In memory of Ray Fletcher and Helena ‘Peg’ Deagle
Sandra Fletcher

In memory of Marguerite Fisher
Craig Nash

In memory of John Hreno
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Paterson
Barbara J. White and Lawrence Kenneth Letwin

In memory of Annie Ing
Gloria Jung

In memory of Beryl Kennedy
Frank and Jean Adare
Jan Christie
Patricia Harnadek
Chris Plunkett and Megan Lynch
Barb Marie Proctor
Julie and Rod Walker

In memory of Peter Kuker

The Partners of McTague Law Firm
Jane Boyd
Linda and Bob Cheeseman and Family
Rosa Cipparone
Carolyne Daley
Duffy Davidson
Bianca De Luca
Walter and Carole Donaldson
Sue Duransky and Family
Alastair and Jeanne Fleming
Liz Haugh
Maurice and Patricia Janisse
Patti Lauzon
Marc Maillet
Kathleen McCrone and Peter Burrell
Paul and Mary Meanwell
Stephen Milton
John and Marcia Ohler
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Paterson
Mary Ann and Ed Polachok
Terry Savory
Deborah Severs
Myron and Nancy Shulgan
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph and Nancy Stasko
Bill and Rochelle Tepperman
Daniel Watt
Bud and Mary Weingarden
Barbara White and Kenneth Letwin
Sandra Wieland
Don and Catherine Wilson
Elizabeth Worsnop
Bill and Jean Wright
And the Windsor Gentleman’s Book Club:
Jeff Berryman
Raymond Colautti
Bruce Elman
Peter Hrastovec
Douglas Kneale
Jerry Wisdom

In memory of Dorothy Lake
George and Nancy Plantus
Crys Stammler

In memory of Bradley Liptrot
Wanda Rosicki

In memory of Sandra Manzig
Barbara Beasley
Jane Bryans
Georgina Burns
Carolyne Daley
Maureen Irish
Rosemary Jull
Jane Kiraly
Giancarlo Mincone
Pauline Olafson
Barb Marie Proctor
Adrian and Monica Vandenhoven
Barbara J. White

In memory of James McAllister
The McAllister Family

In memory of Barbara Nickleson
Douglas Nickleson

In memory of Lou Panontin
Nina Panontin

In memory of Ed Potomski
Janet Potomski

In memory of Francine Sala
Michelle Scott

In memory of Herb Stammler
Crys Stammler

In memory of Peter Wilkinson
Kathleen McCrone

In memory of Elsie and Ben Wirch
Audrey Wirch

In memory of Fred Witte
Mona Witte

Legacy Donors


The WSO Future Fund is an endowment fund where gifts are invested and restricted in perpetuity to support WSO operations each season. The Future Fund is currently valued at more than $4 million, with a goal of $10 million. In 2022-2023, revenue from this fund contributed $142,000 to annual operations.

The WSO recognizes the vision and generosity of donors who have contributed to the Future Fund. If you are interested becoming a Legacy Donor, please contact Patti Lauzon, Executive, Development Manager, at plauzon@windsorsymphony.com.

The Toldo Foundation

$100,000 to $499,999
Cypher Systems Group
Ursuline Sisters of Chatham
Estate of Elmer Butt
Estate of Russel Munro
Estate of Gwen and Murray Purdy

$10,000 to $99,999
The WSO Guild
WFCU in honour of Marty Komsa
The Grain of Sand Foundation
The Tamblyn Family Foundation
Dr. Fouad Tayfour Charitable Foundation
Estate of Lorna June Carroll
Sandra Manzig

Up to $9,999
Don and Nancy Allen
Tracey Cohen
Barbara and Stanley Cunningham
Nadine Deleury
Serge Dignard
Glenna Hemphill
Alexandra Hrabowych
Claudia Hubbes
Gloria Manzig
Loraine Manzig
Walter Manzig
Claire McAllister
Robert and Beverly McMahon
Lisa Osborne
Russel Smith
Marilyn Stecher
Dennis and Carolina Venerus

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, matching funds totalling $1,104,769 have been added to the Future Fund thanks to the Endowment Incentives component of the Canada Cultural Investment Fund of the Canadian Department of Heritage.