Through an introduction to the orchestra and an exploration of the various components of literacy, storytelling, and procedural writing, students will create their own fairy tale. Maestro Wiley will model this skill by writing his own fairy tale step by step along with your students.
Literacy, storytelling, and procedural writing
Pre-Concert: What kind of sounds do you hear? An exploration in how sound is made.
Concert: Members of the WSO will virtually introduce their instruments. At the end students will see the entire orchestra on stage while they perform.
Post-Concert: Students will compare and contrast the instruments of an orchestra using the following classifications: size, pitch, family. Using the focus piece for reference, students will create their own orchestra by drawing/cutting out instruments and dragging them to the stage.
Pre-Concert: Exploring setting and characters. How would you describe your favourite place you visited? How would you describe two friends that have very different personalities?
Concert: Music focuses on creating settings and characters though sound. Pieces will be broken apart to highlight their setting and characters.
Post-Concert: Maestro Wiley will reveal the setting and characters he created based on Ludwig van Beethoven’s – Symphony No. 1 (mvt. I): Allegro con brio. Students will then write their own setting and characters based on Rossini’s Overture to The Barber of Seville.
Pre-Listening: Exploring conflict and resolution. Have you ever had a disagreement with a friend? Have you ever had to overcome a challenge? If you had to explain this to someone, how would you go about doing so?
Concert: Music focuses on conflict and resolution though sound. Pieces will be broken apart to highlight their conflict and resolution.
Post-Listening: Maestro Wiley will read conflict and resolution he created based on Ludwig van Beethoven’s – Symphony No. 1 (mvt. I): Allegro con brio. Students will then write their own conflict and resolution based on Rossini’s Overture to The Barber of Seville.
Pre-Listening: Now that we have all the pieces, why does this make a good story? Students will hear interview(s) from professionals who know what it takes to write a great story.
Concert: The focus piece is broken into its component musical parts (setting, characters, conflict, and resolution). It is then put back together and presented as a whole.
Post-Listening: Maestro Wiley will read his entire orchestral fairy tale based on Ludwig van Beethoven’s – Symphony No. 1 (mvt. I): Allegro con brio. Students will then combine their setting, characters, conflict, and resolution to complete their fairy tale based on Rossini’s Overture to The Barber of Seville.
Virtual question and answer session with Maestro Wiley. Questions can be submitted from students in advance and/or be asked and answered in real time.