July 18, 2023
Windsor Symphony Youth Orchestra in schools this week with their Summer Symphony!
Windsor, ON – The Summer Symphony program, created by the Windsor Symphony Youth Orchestra (WSYO) performs in schools this week in conjunction with the Greater Essex County District School Board’s Summer Learning program.
WSYO created the Summer Symphony program when their regular season came to an end last May. Their desire to keep practicing and performing led to this new initiative. “We’re so proud of our Youth for creating this program through their love for music and performing. Their desire and drive to play and teach makes this program so special for students,” said Becky Ng, WSO Education & Outreach Manager.
WSYO members meet weekly to rehearse at the Capitol Theatre. A self-led group, the youth musicians decide what to play, as well as all the details like tempo and dynamics. They develop amazing collaboration skills as they work through the pieces. Older students model leadership and mentor the younger ones.
The WSYO thank community partners who made donations to fund these performances: the University of Windsor Faculty of Education, the Greater Essex County District School Board, River Bookshop, and the City of Windsor. Each student is paid a small fee for performing, which makes their summer program extra special!
Upcoming School Visits:
For additional information about attending a performance please contact:
Becky Ng, Manager, Education and Outreach