Community Building Fund helps the WSO finetune operations during COVID

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Community Building Fund helps the WSO finetune operations during COVID

March 15, 2022

Windsor, ON – In September 2021, the Windsor Symphony Society received a $77,800 grant from the Government of Ontario’s Community Building Fund – Operating stream. This grant, delivered by the Ontario Trillium Foundation, supports the Windsor Symphony Orchestra (WSO) in its delivery of education and community programs as the organization rebuilds from COVID. These funds support staffing and operational costs and allow the WSO to replace outdated equipment as it adapts to new ways of working.

“I am happy to congratulate the Windsor Symphony Orchestra on the award of this Community Building Fund grant,” said Lisa Gretzky, MPP Windsor West. “The equipment upgrades this grant supports will enable the orchestra to continue evolving the services it provides our community and to maintain its central role in the cultural life of Windsor and Essex County.”

With this support, WSO’s phone system is being upgraded to allow for staff to work offsite and still respond to customers. The grant also supports the purchase of new computers to replace those with systems which are no longer supported by the manufacturer. As well, new software and increased bandwidth on the internet will allow the WSO to meet the changing needs of programming and service delivery in the short and medium term. These upgrades allow the WSO to continue building an online presence and delivering programming despite the challenges of the pandemic.

“The WSO is extremely appreciative to the Ontario Trillium Foundation for its foresight in recognizing the challenges facing organizations as they adapt and endeavour to maintain programs and community connections with the impediments created by COVID,” said Sheila Wisdom, WSO Executive Director. “The support received through the Community Building Fund allows us to adapt to new ways of working and to meet the changing needs of program and service delivery, especially in the field of education programming. The new phone system, computers, and equipment provided through this grant will serve the WSO long after the grant has ended.”

The WSO is committed to connecting people of Windsor and Essex County through the power and passion of music. For WSO news and our education and community outreach programs, please visit the website at:

The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) is an agency of the Government of Ontario, and one of Canada’s leading granting foundations. Last year, nearly $112M was invested into 1.384 community projects and partnerships to build healthy and vibrant communities and strengthen the impact of Ontario’s non-profit sector. In 2020/21, OTF supported Ontario’s economic recovery by helping non-profit organizations rebuild and recover from the impacts of COVID-19. Visit to learn more.

Media Contact:
Monica Bunde, Manager, Marketing, Communications & Sales
Windsor Symphony Orchestra
519-973-1238 ext. 23