Tourism Windsor Essex Endorses “On Stage” Experience

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Tourism Windsor Essex Endorses “On Stage” Experience

January 2, 2025

Tourism Windsor Essex Endorses “On Stage” Experience

A custom cocktail, part of the WSO’s OnStage Series.

Original Blog Written By James Hills @mantripping – follow along with more of James’ adventures at
Read his full blog post here:

“Windsor Essex is one of my favorite places to visit and for folks in Eastern Michigan and North West Ohio it is literally just across the river. This seems like a relatively insignificant factor but the truth is Canada is a very different country that often shows us Americans how things might be if we chose different priorities. 

For some reason, food just seems better on the other side of the border but that’s just one reason that I love traveling to Ontario. 

On our recent guys trip tour of Windsor as well as greater Essex County, we had the opportunity to do more than eat and that’s a good thing because now I have a dozen more reasons to come back again soon! 

If you’re looking for something a bit more “classy”, despite it being a relatively small city the Windsor Symphony Orchestra is top notch and we were treated to what was hands down the most enjoyable indoor orchestral concert that I’ve experienced in years. They offer a series of “onstage” performances where you are sitting there just feet away from the performers while you sip Ontario wines and enjoy slices of Windsor-style pizza.”

A view of the Orchestra at an OnStage concert.